SCC Celebrates July 4
By Kai Rambow
Sun City Center is returning to normal. Our usual July 4th breakfast didn’t happen this year, but many activities traditionally held on Independence Day were back! Here are a few fun images from our nation’s birthday.
Joanne Kerr of the Lapidary club showing one of the items for sale.
Members of the Lawn Bowling club held their regular practice sessions with many dressing in stars and stripes to mark the occasion.
The Model Railroad club set up a display in the Palm room to share with residents celebrating the 4th. Here Arny Goldklang fixes a track issue before visitors arrived.
Free Fitness Training for SCC CA Residents
Free Fitness Training for SCC CA ResidentsBy Jim Blackstone “Have It Your Way” free fitness training at the Sun City Center Fitness Center resumes October 8, 2019. Personal Trainer Dennis O’Brien will lead three different classes: introduction to...
Sun City Center Photo Club Announces Winners
On Tuesday, September 10, club photographers submitted images to be judged by expert, Al Churilla. We received many great entries, and the evening proved to be pleasantly challenging. In the Digital Color category, at the Master Level, two photographers...
The October 2019 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!
In this issue… Meet the new HART CEO, learn about the county’s higher stormwater fee, see who won the recent SCC Photo Contest, meet a new Creative Person, learn how to protect your legs for long-term health, discover how to protect yourself on...
Preparing for the Community Association Election
Preparing for the Community Association Election By Diane M. Loeffler As senior citizens, we have experienced enough in our lives to have some ideas on how things work and how they should work. We have our opinions and reasons for them. Over the years, we...
New Pedestrian Crossing
There is a new crossing light for pedestrians. This handicap accessible crossing is located on North Pebble Beach Boulevard in front of the Community Association’s Administration Building. Yield for pedestrians. Be prepared to stop when someone is in the...
New HART CEO Discusses Transportation Challenges
New HART CEO Discusses Transportation ChallengesBy Bob Sanchez The South Shore Round Table hosted new HART CEO Ben Limmer at its meeting at South Bay Hospital to learn about possible transportation improvements affecting Sun City Center and surrounding...