The Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation (WWIA), a Purple Heart organization, is hosting its Inaugural Purple Heart of the Bay Charity Fishing Tournament on September 10 at Hooks Waterfront Bar and Grill in Ruskin. Held the weekend of 9/11, this event is a great opportunity for the local community to connect with and give back to those heroes who have sacrificed so much for us and our great nation.
Purple Heart of the Bay is a grand-slam catch and release tournament with all proceeds benefiting the WWIA. Anglers will compete in both sponsored and open divisions, with prizes awarded for youth and ladies subdivisions—up to $10,000 in cash and prizes total.
Free food, cash bar and live entertainment
Over $10,000 in cash and prizes
Hooks Waterfront Bar and Grill
611 Destiny Dr
Ruskin, FL 33570
Date/Time Information
Saturday, September 9, 2017
7am: Breakfast and Latebird Registration
9am: Shotgun Start
3pm: Judging, Dinner and Live Music
Contact Information
Call (813) 938-1390 or click here for more information.
$2,000 Sponsored boats, which includes a captain, all bait and tackle and Purple Heart to fish on your team
$250 Open division registration

December 2022 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!
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November 2022 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!
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