Preparing for the Community Association Election  

By Diane M. Loeffler


As senior citizens, we have experienced enough in our lives to have some ideas on how things work and how they should work. We have our opinions and reasons for them. Over the years, we may have felt we were in a position where all we could do was vent our frustrations or complain.

In Sun City Center things are different. Our community is small enough that each vote does make a difference. We can be involved in the day-to-day decisions in a significant way. When we volunteer for our Community Association’s committees, clubs, charities or government, we can actually see the results of our efforts.

Have you ever wanted to get involved, but don’t want a year-round commitment? Can you spare a few hours for three or four days to count newspaper ballots? Would you like to greet people as they come in for the two days of in-person elections? Would you like to count votes after the election?  If so, consider volunteering this fall to be a judge, teller, door greeter, floor person, ballot box person, or affidavit person. These roles only require a commitment of a few days a year. Another option would be to be the election committee chair or co-chair beginning in January.

Recently, Barbara Gingrich stepped in to chair the election committee. Gingrich is working with Brigitt Lewis this fall, but prior commitments will keep her from continuing in that role in 2020.

Some years ago, Gingrich and Tommy Wardlow co-chaired the elections committee for six or seven years. Gingrich says, “Sam Sudman told me there was a need for an election committee chair for the rest of this year, so I stepped in. If anyone would like to help the community in this way, I would be glad to train that person. It would be helpful if one of the chairs had some technical experience.”

Gingrich has lived here for 22 years and has been involved in many organizations over the years. She currently volunteers at St. John the Divine and the Information Center. She is also on the board for the Oldies but Goodies Club, and helps with many organizations and activities including the July 4 and Holiday Breakfasts.

Gingrich wonders why so many people don’t vote and asks, “Are people so content that they don’t feel we need to make any changes?”

Do you have opinions on how things should be done? Put your ideas and experience toward a good cause, the future of our community. You can do so by volunteering for the election committee or any number of clubs or groups. Your efforts, whether for a day or all-year round, do make a difference in the quality of life for us all.


IN THE PHOTO: Barbara Gingrich is currently chair of the elections committee.


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