In this issue…
Save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, cruise over to the SouthShore Sportsplex, see why a grant was awarded to the Boys & Girls Club, discover why an SCC woman took TOPS honors, meet an Angel on Earth, enjoy a Dramedy on Aging, find out why the Eyes Have It, enjoy a Blast From the Past, check in on your health, Snap and Win with the Photo Club, and read how the LRPC is moving ahead with its plans.
Then be sure to check out the Club News, Kings Point News, Military News, Sports, Arts, Faith & Service, and Community News sections to help you plan your month.
Read the October 2023 Issue of The News
Pottery Club Wins Again at State Fair
Pottery Club Wins Again at State FairBy Kai Rambow “I saw a program on PBS about ugly face jugs and I became inspired,” reflected Terrie McNamara. “I had also just broken a pot on the kiln and said ‘Oh, my gosh, perfect teeth.’ I wanted to do...
In this issue… Tour Ybor City’s last cigar factory, sing with the bluebirds of happiness, save the date for FallFest, commemorate 60 years of SCC with the History Society, tip a glass at Alafia Brewing Company, hit the beach with some rescued...
Men’s Club Extends an Important Lifeline
Men’s Club Extends an Important LifelineBy Bob Sanchez When Joan Gross crashed her golf cart into trash barrels at 10 p.m., that was the last straw for her daughter Ellen, who moved in with her mom, who is 86 now and has dementia, heart...
Jan Ring Quilter Extraordinaire
Jan Ring Quilter ExtraordinaireBy Paula Lickfeldt Jan Ring has been sewing since she was a youngster in 4H. She began quilting when she moved to Florida in 1984. Since that time, Jan has made many quilts and quite a few of them have taken...
A Labor of Love
A Labor of LoveBy Kai Rambow The tiny fawn vacuumed its bottle in three gulps. It was very hungry and had only been rescued a few hours earlier. Fortunately, it was now at Owl’s Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife. Owl’s Nest is the largest...
Nan Ryan Showcases Her Quilting Talent
Nan Ryan Showcases Her Quilting TalentBy Paula Lickfeldt Nan Ryan moved to Columbia SC in 2006. One of her friends was a quilter, and she encouraged Nan to start quilting. Nan's first project was an Iris that she finally finished after she...