Love Photography? Join the Club!

By Bob Sanchez

Photo enthusiasts from beginners to experts have a home in the Photo Club of SCC. The Club held its June meeting in the Caper Room with nearly two dozen members attending. Members briefly introduced themselves, showing a wide range of experience in photography from decades as a pro to “I started because my wife told me to get a hobby.” Then they saw photos from the monthly challenge, a long tradition where they are invited to submit photos on a particular topic. Participation is entirely voluntary.

Blushing Thistle by Ann Jacques

For the main part of the program, Jack Migliore introduced Ken Rubin to judge the club’s quarterly competition. Rubin examined over 50 entries on an overhead display, made constructive comments for the audience’s benefit, and gave each a final score. Christina Brittain, Anne Jacques, and Barbara Klimczak each received a perfect score.

Perfect Form by Christina Brittain

Any SCCCA resident with an interest in photography is welcome to join, no matter the skill level. Your camera of choice may be something fancy, or it may be your smartphone. Either way you’ll find people willing to help you improve your photos if you wish, or simply find friends who share a common interest. There’s a lab with computers and photo-editing software, as well as classes and monthly field trips.

Mystic Mask by Pat Jones

Lab classes can cover a wide range of topics such as lighting and composition, Photoshop, iPhones, portraits, landscapes, and much more. Members can even get free one-on-one help from an expert on Wednesday mornings. The field trips are a great way to make friends with fellow members, take plenty of photos, and share favorites at the next monthly meeting.

Meetings are held in the Caper Room every second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., and dues are $20 per person per year. To join, visit the website at and click “Join the club.” Do it. It’s a friendly, supportive club.


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