Independence Day Breakfast

By Diane M. Loeffler


SCC Community Hall was a sea of red, white and blue on July 4. The decorations, volunteers, and attendees were all decked out in our nation’s colors. Co-chairs Floyd and Brenda Curvin say, “We had 150 awesome volunteers who served 1,248 people.”

If you were there, you had the opportunity to enjoy a great breakfast, see displays from the History Society, meet new people, and enjoy patriotic music. Dozens of people commented on the patriotic songs played loud enough to hear yet quiet enough not to interfere with conversations. Organ and Keyboard Club President, Barbara Sue Carline says, “It was our pleasure playing patriotic music for the CA Breakfast. We loved every note.”

Mark your 2020 calendars for next year’s Fourth of July Breakfast. You will be glad you did.


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