Home for the Holidays with the 2019 Golf Cart Parade
By Bob Sanchez
Mark your calendars for the Home for the Holidays Golf Cart Parade at 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 14. CA Director Larry Smith, the event coordinator, says that residents from Sun City Center, Kings Point, and Freedom Plaza are all welcome to decorate their golf carts and join in the fun. Entrants may be individuals or groups, including clubs, service organizations, HOA’s and businesses.
Over $1,000 in prizes will be awarded. There’s no cost to enter, and all entries have a chance to win. To participate, pick up an entry form at the front desk of the CA office and turn it in on December 9.
PHOTO: Drone photo by John Wakeman (News File Photo).
A Special “Thank You” for Our First Responders
A Special “Thank You” for Our First Responders By Diane M. Loeffler On Wednesday, December 22, a group of Kings Point and Sun City Center Community Association residents met in the lobby of South Bay Hospital to donate money to three groups...
JANUARY 2022 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!
In this issue… Relive the festive fun of the Holiday Cart Parade, cruise SCC to find colorful lights and holiday decorations, swing by St. Andrew for Rock ‘n’ Roll Crafts and Cars, meet the new SCCCA Board members, check in with the Security...
Welcome Aboard America’s Tall Ship
Welcome Aboard America’s Tall Ship By Ilona Merritt Welcome aboard! You are invited to visit “America’s Tall Ship.” Since 1946, every new Coast Guard cadet undergoing officer training has begun their career by learning to sail on Eagle – the...
DECEMBER 2021 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!
In this issue… Ring in the December holidays with the annual Golf Cart Parade, celebrate 60 Years of SCC, set sail on America’s Tall Ship, get to know some local clubs, remember a tireless volunteer who made a big difference, meet a local war...
SCC Celebrates 60 Years
SCC Celebrates 60 Years By Kai Rambow Sun City Center recently celebrated its 60th anniversary. The event, spread out over a Sunday afternoon, had the added bonus of reuniting people. “It’s been almost two years since we saw you,” was a...
Celebrate The Opening Of SCC
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