Clubs Strut Their Stuff at Another Successful “Hi, Neighbor!”

By Bob Sanchez


Hundreds of residents poured into Community Hall for “Hi, Neighbor!” on November 7, when representatives from 94 clubs and organizations welcomed them with smiles, colorful displays and great reasons to join their clubs. At the Sunsations Dance table, Susan Seipelt’s reaction was typical. Her club gave out plenty of fliers, she said, expressing optimism about attracting new members.

“This was one of our most successful events,” said Hospitality Chairman Janet Ditmore, who has organized ‘Hi, Neighbor!” for the last seven years. She mailed close to 400 invitations to SCC residents who bought homes here within the last year and estimated that over 800 people attended. Once again, Aston Gardens generously donated their fresh-baked cookies, while the Sun City Center Line Dance Club served refreshments under the supervision of Information Center volunteer Dorothy Kociban.  She credits other volunteers from the Information Center for contributing to the evening’s success, as well as a crew led by Bob Sullivan who kept traffic moving in the parking lot. 

Ditmore also offered thanks for “the cooperation of the attending club volunteers and the hard work of the SCC maintenance crew and our CA office liaison, Claudia Hinson.” 


*Photos by Bob Sanchez and Kai Rambow


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