Book Nook, What’s That?

By Paula Lickfeldt


You may have noticed little “book boxes” taking up residence around Sun City Center. What are they?  Where did they come from? Let’s find out!

Todd Bol decided he wanted to honor his mother, who had been a librarian and an avid reader, by making as many books as possible, available to the public, free of charge. He started the “Little Free Libraries.”  At the time he passed away, at age 62, there were 70,000 worldwide.

About five years ago, Andrea Peterson saw one and thought that might be a nice thing for SCC. Sometime later, her neighbor Ann Fenimore saw one and told Andrea that they should put one up. The two women decided it was time for SCC to have some “Little Free Libraries.”

They spoke with their neighbor Richard Kelley, he was able to get plans, and he built one for each of the gals.  The Book Nooks are standing proudly in front of Andrea’s house and Ann’s house on Fordham Street.  Several others have “popped” up around SCC.

Books are inside the Nook.  You may borrow a book and return it or keep it.  You may drop off books for others to read. Just put the donated books in the box.  The number of books and their titles change quickly.  Andrea says it is “unbelievable” how much activity there is around the book nooks.

If you would be interested in having a book nook in front of your house, you can talk to someone at the Sawdust Engineers.  I have been told that they have plans and, for a donation to the club, someone will make one for you.

What a wonderful way for people to pass books around for others to read.  Good job Andrea and Ann!


In the photo: Ann Fenimore and Andrea Peterson


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