Welcome Aboard America’s Tall Ship

Welcome Aboard America’s Tall Ship

Welcome Aboard America’s Tall Ship

By Ilona Merritt

Welcome aboard! You are invited to visit “America’s Tall Ship.” Since 1946, every new Coast Guard cadet undergoing officer training has begun their career by learning to sail on Eagle – the traditional way. Eagle has offered generations of Coast Guard Academy cadets, and more recently, officer candidates, an unparalleled leadership experience at sea.  They are always looking forward to incredible voyages of safe and exciting sailing, hard work, and in-depth leadership training with the future officers of the Coast Guard.

The primary mission of the Eagle is training. Every cadet who attends the Coast Guard Academy will spend a minimum of six weeks on board Eagle. In addition to learning the nautical traditions of their profession, cadets learn basic seamanship and navigation skills and important team-building and leadership skills. The ways of old still have much to teach. The conditions and situations you face under sail can’t be replicated either in a classroom or aboard today’s modern ships. Onboard Eagle, cadets find themselves suddenly out of their element. Dependent on wind, waves, and currents, they quickly learn how these forces of nature affect a vessel. They become skilled in ship-handling, decision-making, and meeting unexpected challenges. They learn the importance of crew members working together to handle the ship safely.

USCGC Eagle also performs a public relations role for the Coast Guard and America. Eagle welcomes the public for a visit during domestic port calls and calls foreign ports as a floating goodwill ambassador for US diplomatic relations. Eagle has hosted Presidents Kennedy, Nixon, and Truman. When Tall Ships gather together, we are most likely to see Eagle leading the parade.  She is a tremendous draw for visitors. This past summer, she was in Reykjavik, Iceland. Repairs kept her three additional days in port and during that time was visited by 18,000 people.

By 1979, the Coast Guard had developed plans for an extensive refit at the Coast Guard Yard facility in Baltimore. From 1979 to 1983, Eagle visited the yard all four winters between summer deployments. In 2014, Eagle began a similar refit. The ship’s crew temporarily shifted its administrative homeport to Baltimore and began an extensive four-year service life extension project. Each year, Eagle will spend six months in the Coast Guard Yard Facility. The goal of this maintenance overhaul is for the ship to remain safe and viable as the Coast Guard’s premier training vessel well into  the Eagle has offered generations of Coast Guard Academy cadets, and more recently officer candidates, an unparalleled leadership experience at sea.  They are always looking forward to tremendous voyages of safe and exciting sailing, hard work, and in-depth leadership training with the future officers of the Coast Guard.

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Explore Christmas decorations in SCC, check out the National Lawn Bowling Tournament, meet friends at “Hi, Neighbor!”, read the detailed LRPC Report, commemorate Veterans Day, visit Jurassic Park, beware of scammers, find out why...

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

Discover what the Long Range Planning Committee is working on, find out how folks cruise around SCC, hear from the candidates for CA Board of Directors, ring bells with DAR, support local kids, laugh with the Pelican Players, travel to…

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, cruise over to the SouthShore Sportsplex, see why a grant was awarded to the Boys & Girls Club, discover why an SCC woman took TOPS honors, meet an Angel on Earth, enjoy a Dramedy on Aging,...

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Have some Pool Party fun, celebrate with the History Society, register for the Active Life Games, see why local volunteers rock, go Trail Blazing, learn why a local fire chief received a lifetime honor, support Adaptive Sports,...

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Relive the fun of the Pancake Breakfast and the Pool Party, make some Community and Family Connections, see how local Sew’n Sews are helping our community, get Shell Craftin’, celebrate the music of Bob Dylan with the Pickers,...

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

In this issue… Enjoy the artistry of some local green thumbs, be sure not to miss the July 4th Breakfast and Family Fun Day, explore the art of Quilling (not Quilting), take a Smooth Ride down Del Webb, hear about Master Plans, high five some...

SCC Celebrates 60 Years

SCC Celebrates 60 Years

SCC Celebrates 60 Years

By Kai Rambow

Sun City Center recently celebrated its 60th anniversary.  The event, spread out over a Sunday afternoon, had the added bonus of reuniting people.  “It’s been almost two years since we saw you,” was a frequent comment.

The History Society displayed key events and photographs for people to view before entering Community Hall. Most people took their time to review the history of our community.

Larry Smith enthusing about the Sixty Years in Sun City Center, Florida book.

Before entering the hall, cupcakes, ice cream, and coffee were available.  Many enjoyed their treats while sitting with neighbors and friends. People were glad to be out and reconnect with others. A slide show played in the background and copies of the 60th anniversary book were available for purchase.  A continual stream of people enjoyed the occasion.

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Explore Christmas decorations in SCC, check out the National Lawn Bowling Tournament, meet friends at “Hi, Neighbor!”, read the detailed LRPC Report, commemorate Veterans Day, visit Jurassic Park, beware of scammers, find out why...

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

Discover what the Long Range Planning Committee is working on, find out how folks cruise around SCC, hear from the candidates for CA Board of Directors, ring bells with DAR, support local kids, laugh with the Pelican Players, travel to…

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, cruise over to the SouthShore Sportsplex, see why a grant was awarded to the Boys & Girls Club, discover why an SCC woman took TOPS honors, meet an Angel on Earth, enjoy a Dramedy on Aging,...

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Have some Pool Party fun, celebrate with the History Society, register for the Active Life Games, see why local volunteers rock, go Trail Blazing, learn why a local fire chief received a lifetime honor, support Adaptive Sports,...

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Relive the fun of the Pancake Breakfast and the Pool Party, make some Community and Family Connections, see how local Sew’n Sews are helping our community, get Shell Craftin’, celebrate the music of Bob Dylan with the Pickers,...

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

In this issue… Enjoy the artistry of some local green thumbs, be sure not to miss the July 4th Breakfast and Family Fun Day, explore the art of Quilling (not Quilting), take a Smooth Ride down Del Webb, hear about Master Plans, high five some...

Celebrate The Opening Of SCC

Celebrate The Opening Of SCC

Celebrate The Opening Of SCC

A Special Invitation From The History Society, December 30

By Ilona Merritt

“Time flies when you’re having fun” … It seems like just yesterday that SCC celebrated our 50th anniversary. And what fun we had! Now, ten years later, we are celebrating another milestone. Sixty years in Sun City Center. The History Society invites our neighbors to help us celebrate the anniversary of the opening of Sun City, which falls on December 30.

Join us at Community Hall on December 30 from 2 to 4 p.m. Unique entertainment is planned, and a delicious dessert table will be open. There is no charge for this event, but seating is limited to 300 people. You must have a ticket, and they will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays starting December 13 from 10 to noon at the Atrium kiosk. You must bring your CA Card. Only two tickets are available per person.

IN THE PHOTO: Cars line up to tour “Sun City” on opening day, December 30, 1961.  

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Explore Christmas decorations in SCC, check out the National Lawn Bowling Tournament, meet friends at “Hi, Neighbor!”, read the detailed LRPC Report, commemorate Veterans Day, visit Jurassic Park, beware of scammers, find out why...

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

Discover what the Long Range Planning Committee is working on, find out how folks cruise around SCC, hear from the candidates for CA Board of Directors, ring bells with DAR, support local kids, laugh with the Pelican Players, travel to…

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, cruise over to the SouthShore Sportsplex, see why a grant was awarded to the Boys & Girls Club, discover why an SCC woman took TOPS honors, meet an Angel on Earth, enjoy a Dramedy on Aging,...

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Have some Pool Party fun, celebrate with the History Society, register for the Active Life Games, see why local volunteers rock, go Trail Blazing, learn why a local fire chief received a lifetime honor, support Adaptive Sports,...

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Relive the fun of the Pancake Breakfast and the Pool Party, make some Community and Family Connections, see how local Sew’n Sews are helping our community, get Shell Craftin’, celebrate the music of Bob Dylan with the Pickers,...

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

In this issue… Enjoy the artistry of some local green thumbs, be sure not to miss the July 4th Breakfast and Family Fun Day, explore the art of Quilling (not Quilting), take a Smooth Ride down Del Webb, hear about Master Plans, high five some...

It’s a pretty big deal

It’s a pretty big deal

It’s a pretty big deal

By E. Adam Porter

Editor, News of SCC & South County

I heard a whispered conversation in the dining room and pretended not to notice, busying myself preparing the evening meal. It was beef stew night, so the slow cooker had done most of the heavy lifting, leaving me able to focus on eavesdropping while I finished the meal prep. My bride was on the phone with our lovely daughter-in-law discussing Thanksgiving dinner.

Our eldest son, Captain America, and his bride, Melissa, recently purchased their first home together. Cap’s duty station for the next few years also meant that – for the first time since he raised his hand and swore the Oath – he would be making his home in Florida. His mom and I are elated to have him on this side of the ocean for a change. Even happier that he’s reporting for his next training assignment, rather than wearing a rifle in the desert.

Since buying their home, Chris and Melissa have been working day and night to fix the house and property up to their liking, and they’re justifiably excited to show off their hard work. Almost as excited as my bride and I are to celebrate this important milestone with them. Given the timing, they suggested hosting Thanksgiving this year. That’s a pretty big deal. Though, I think, maybe, just hearing, “Y’all come up; we will cook this year!” put some more gray in my beard. Put a smile on the face behind that graying beard too. If there’s anything better than achieving your own goals in life, it’s watching your kids achieve theirs. Cooking your first Thanksgiving bird in your first new home as a family is a pretty big deal. We can’t wait to help them celebrate this milestone in their lives and their marriage.

Milestones are an ancient idea. Like some of the most enduring roads, we have the Romans to thank for the concept. They placed distance markers roughly every 1,000th double step, giving armies and traders clear answers to vital logistical questions as they traveled the length and breadth of the empire. Many centuries later, Matthew Simons described these markers in his 1635 travel guide, “Directions for English Travelers.” Though it would be another six decades after Simons’ book before uniform guideposts were codified into law in Britain. And it would be another 50 years before the term “milestone” entered common usage.

As with most words, “milestone” evolved new meaning with extended use over the successive generations. Today, milestones are not only symbols of distance traveled, but also metaphorical reminders that we’re going in the right direction; and, if we keep following that path, we’re likely to arrive where we’re headed. All the more reason to celebrate each time we achieve something new, learn something interesting, or arrive at a much-anticipated destination.

Speaking of milestones worth celebrating, this year, local SCC historians came together to write, curate, and publish a book commemorating 60 Years in Sun City Center. This community began with an idea, a vision that was picked up by the original residents and carried along by each new resident who chose to make Sun City Center their home. Active retirement, stimulation for the body, mind, and spirit. A community of volunteers willing to invest their hands, feet, smarts, and hearts in support of the ideal of “Neighbors helping neighbors.”

There are very few communities where one can learn textile art, painting, photography, woodworking, computers, chorale singing, organ playing, guitar picking, HAM radio operation, lawn sports, court sports, card games, and synchronized swimming in an afternoon, then have your pick of live music and dancing in the evening. Building these opportunities into this community involved all kinds of exciting, challenging, and important milestones. Individually and collectively, these are, indeed, something worth celebrating. So, be sure to stop by the Atrium ticket kiosk on Monday mornings between 10 and noon to buy your copy of 60 Years in Sun City Center, Florida.

Aerial photo of SCC’s north campus during FallFest 2021, courtesy Stan Lipski.

Over six decades, SCC residents have shared many meals together and celebrated countless milestones. As we enter this holiday season, many of us are excited to share a more “normal” celebratory time than last year allowed. Thanks to care, innovation, and a series of modern science miracles, we’re able to celebrate more safely. Already, many traditional services and ceremonies have returned, from Veterans Day celebrations to chorus concerts, dances, the Holiday Golf Cart Parade, and a host of other opportunities to come together with friends and neighbors as we close out 2021. If you’re interested, be sure to check out this issue of The News. There’s plenty here to fill up your calendar… and…. just maybe, help you take the first steps toward a new milestone of your own.

Cover photo: Melissa baked these pies, from scratch, to enjoy after the Thanksgiving meal. They cooled in this window for hours, and it was tough not to steal a slice.


December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Explore Christmas decorations in SCC, check out the National Lawn Bowling Tournament, meet friends at “Hi, Neighbor!”, read the detailed LRPC Report, commemorate Veterans Day, visit Jurassic Park, beware of scammers, find out why...

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

Discover what the Long Range Planning Committee is working on, find out how folks cruise around SCC, hear from the candidates for CA Board of Directors, ring bells with DAR, support local kids, laugh with the Pelican Players, travel to…

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, cruise over to the SouthShore Sportsplex, see why a grant was awarded to the Boys & Girls Club, discover why an SCC woman took TOPS honors, meet an Angel on Earth, enjoy a Dramedy on Aging,...

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Have some Pool Party fun, celebrate with the History Society, register for the Active Life Games, see why local volunteers rock, go Trail Blazing, learn why a local fire chief received a lifetime honor, support Adaptive Sports,...

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Relive the fun of the Pancake Breakfast and the Pool Party, make some Community and Family Connections, see how local Sew’n Sews are helping our community, get Shell Craftin’, celebrate the music of Bob Dylan with the Pickers,...

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

In this issue… Enjoy the artistry of some local green thumbs, be sure not to miss the July 4th Breakfast and Family Fun Day, explore the art of Quilling (not Quilting), take a Smooth Ride down Del Webb, hear about Master Plans, high five some...

Art Club Members Paint Through the Pandemic

Art Club Members Paint Through the Pandemic

Art Club Members Paint Through the Pandemic

By Bob Sanchez

The Sun City Center Art Club reopened its Art Gallery to the public on September 1 with the work of two dozen members, featuring paintings they created during the 2020 pandemic.

The participating painters were Jean Beardsley, Mary Chabot, Irena Davis, Mollie Fleck, Marion Giblin, Gary Gicking, Maureen Hileman, Gloria Hosek, Carol Husinka, Paul Kennedy, Meredith King, Bob Krowl, Marsha Lucidi, Bev Majewski, Faye McKeown, Anne Morton, Lori Murray, Dolores Phelps, Sandy Schuman, Ali Shannon, Flo Slater, Mel Solochek, Roberta Solochek, and Richard Whalen. Mel Solochek is the Gallery Director.

The show will be a recurring public event on the first Wednesday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Art Club on 954 Cherry Hills Drive. Be sure to have your current Community Association ID with you, and protocols for vaccinations, mask wearing, and social distancing will apply. The Club serves snacks and beverages, which I can attest are delicious.

The artwork changes monthly, according to President Lee Anne Eckert, “giving all members a chance to share their work from beginner level to advanced. Our members are inspired by the many different types of artwork exhibited and offer each support and encouragement.”

Painting lessons are available to all levels, “no experience required,” she added. They also have Open Studio time on Wednesday afternoons, except for the first Wednesday when we have the Gallery Opening.  There’s also hold a yearly art show each January or February.

For more information about the Art Club, call Lee Anne at 973-714-5019 or email her at “laeckert@gmail.com.”

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Explore Christmas decorations in SCC, check out the National Lawn Bowling Tournament, meet friends at “Hi, Neighbor!”, read the detailed LRPC Report, commemorate Veterans Day, visit Jurassic Park, beware of scammers, find out why...

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

Discover what the Long Range Planning Committee is working on, find out how folks cruise around SCC, hear from the candidates for CA Board of Directors, ring bells with DAR, support local kids, laugh with the Pelican Players, travel to…

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, cruise over to the SouthShore Sportsplex, see why a grant was awarded to the Boys & Girls Club, discover why an SCC woman took TOPS honors, meet an Angel on Earth, enjoy a Dramedy on Aging,...

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Have some Pool Party fun, celebrate with the History Society, register for the Active Life Games, see why local volunteers rock, go Trail Blazing, learn why a local fire chief received a lifetime honor, support Adaptive Sports,...

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Relive the fun of the Pancake Breakfast and the Pool Party, make some Community and Family Connections, see how local Sew’n Sews are helping our community, get Shell Craftin’, celebrate the music of Bob Dylan with the Pickers,...

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

In this issue… Enjoy the artistry of some local green thumbs, be sure not to miss the July 4th Breakfast and Family Fun Day, explore the art of Quilling (not Quilting), take a Smooth Ride down Del Webb, hear about Master Plans, high five some...

Touring Ybor City’s Last Cigar Factory

Touring Ybor City’s Last Cigar Factory

Touring Ybor City’s Last Cigar Factory

By Bob Sanchez

In July, a small group from the Sun City Center Photo Club toured the J. C. Newman Cigar Company to see first-hand how cigars are still made in Ybor City. For the senior rate of $12 per person, company historian Holden Rasmussen served as our tour guide for about an hour to show the entire process, both for hand-made and machine-made cigars.

The building is called El Reloj, a three-story, block-long building that dates back to 1895 and is the only remaining cigar factory in Ybor City. There’s nothing modern about the process as workers either hand-roll cigars or operate antique machines that seem to operate as well today as they did a century ago. The main difference is in the workforce – an old photo from the 1920s shows a vast room filled with white men, elbow to elbow at work. What a difference a century makes!

The Newman Company promises that “this historic cigar factory will please cigar enthusiasts, history buffs, and those with interests in manufacturing and technology,” and the tour doesn’t disappoint. Photo Club member Christina Brittain said it was “amazing to witness every facet of production in this living, thriving factory/museum,” adding that the tour is “a truly memorable experience.”

The family-owned company clearly takes pride in its premium cigars and its employees. Rasmussen told us that every worker we saw on the floor has been employed there for around 20 years. Newman also has factories in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Their Cigar Family Charitable Foundation “supports low-income families in the Dominican Republic with education, health care, vocational training, and clean water.”

The cost for the tour is $15 for adults, and $12 for seniors, students, and veterans. All ages are welcome. The guide is knowledgeable, and the old factory is fascinating. By the way, there are elevators for those not inclined to climb stairs.

Visit “jcnewman.com” for their schedule and to book a guided tour.

IN THE TOP PHOTO: J. C. Newman’s company historian Holden Rasmussen talks tobacco with, from left to right, Nick Fader, Barbara Klimczak, Fran Beeson, and Christina Brittain.

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

December 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Explore Christmas decorations in SCC, check out the National Lawn Bowling Tournament, meet friends at “Hi, Neighbor!”, read the detailed LRPC Report, commemorate Veterans Day, visit Jurassic Park, beware of scammers, find out why...

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

November 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

Discover what the Long Range Planning Committee is working on, find out how folks cruise around SCC, hear from the candidates for CA Board of Directors, ring bells with DAR, support local kids, laugh with the Pelican Players, travel to…

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

October 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, cruise over to the SouthShore Sportsplex, see why a grant was awarded to the Boys & Girls Club, discover why an SCC woman took TOPS honors, meet an Angel on Earth, enjoy a Dramedy on Aging,...

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

September 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Have some Pool Party fun, celebrate with the History Society, register for the Active Life Games, see why local volunteers rock, go Trail Blazing, learn why a local fire chief received a lifetime honor, support Adaptive Sports,...

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

August 2023 NEWS is HOT off the Press!

In this issue… Relive the fun of the Pancake Breakfast and the Pool Party, make some Community and Family Connections, see how local Sew’n Sews are helping our community, get Shell Craftin’, celebrate the music of Bob Dylan with the Pickers,...

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

July 2023 NEWS is HOT off the PRESS!

In this issue… Enjoy the artistry of some local green thumbs, be sure not to miss the July 4th Breakfast and Family Fun Day, explore the art of Quilling (not Quilting), take a Smooth Ride down Del Webb, hear about Master Plans, high five some...