The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center would like to invite the community to their FREE April movie, won’t you be my neighbor. Join UMC of SCC on Friday, April 12, for popcorn and a great movie, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor.” There will be two showings, a matinee at 3 PM and an evening showing at 6 PM. This is a free movie for the community. For more information, call the office at 813-634-2539. The church is located at 1210 Del Webb Blvd West in Sun City Center.
Charmingly soft-spoken and yet powerfully incisive expressing his profound ideals, Fred Rogers was a unique presence on television for generations. Through interviews of his family and colleagues, the life of this would-be pastor is explored as a man who found a more important calling to provide an oasis for children in a video sea of violent bombardment. That proved to be his landmark series, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (1968), a show that could gently delve into important subjects no other children’s show would have dared for that time.
Rogers experienced a career where his sweet-tempered idealism charmed and influenced the world whether it be scores of children on TV or recalcitrant authorities in government. However, that beloved personality also hid Rogers’ deep self-doubts about himself and occasional misjudgments even as he proved a rock of understanding in times of tragedy for a world that did not always comprehend a man of such noble character.
FEBRUARY 2025 NEWS is HOT off the Press
In this issue… Stroll through nature on Trail Day, go Stampin’, enjoy Coffee & Conversation, dance with the world, experience history, go bowling, celebrate milestone anniversaries, check out the Kings Point expo, commemorate 99 years, keep...
JANUARY 2025 NEWS is HOT off the Press!
In this issue… Enjoy the creativity of the Cart Parade and take a Holiday Walk, check out historical signs, get to know some Comfort Dogs, tour Advent Hospital, read Under Cover of Darkness, check out the Manatee Festival, celebrate music all...
DECEMBER 2024 NEWS is HOT off the Press!
In this issue… Don’t miss the Holiday Golf Cart Parade on December 7, recall the fun of the Halloween pool party, get to know the detailed artists of the Dollhouse Miniatures Club, do some “Shufflin’,” learn a new skill, discover a new hobby,...
NOVEMBER 2024 NEWS is HOT off the Press!
In this issue… SAVE the DATE for “Hi, Neighbor!” on November 7 and Veterans Day on November 11, sail with Cygnet Yacht Club, check out some phenomenal photography, review the 2025 budget, meet the candidates for SCCCA Board, enjoy some Music on...
Receding and Reaching Out
Receding and Reaching Out By E. Adam Porter When you hear phrases like “worst in a century” or “first time in generations,” those descriptors can feel like an abstraction. Sure, they mean something, but is it something we can really fathom? Something we...
October 2024 NEWS is HOT off the Press
In this issue… Take a Brief Trip to Albuquerque, then stroll down memory lane to the beginning of SCC on Cherry Hills, get the latest LRPC Update, save the date for “Hi, Neighbor!”, learn about Little Free Libraries, hear All About the Bees,...